Tips: 6 Ways To Last Longer In Bed Naturally

Now before I share these 6 Tips to last longer in Bed naturally I want you to know something.

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Premature ejaculation is not some "gene" you're born with, the result of your penis size or a part of your personality that you can never change.

Premature ejaculation is caused by specific things that you do before and during sex... Most of the time without even realizing it.

And if you want to last longer in bed you've got to take control of what you do before and during sex and start consciously doing things that will help you last longer.

So below you'll find 6 tips to last longer in bed, which if you make into a habit of doing before / during sex, then premature ejaculation can become a thing of the past for you.

1. Urinate Before Sex

This is a simple trick most guys overlook. Before sex make sure you use the bathroom. If you don't then you'll have a full bladder which can put pressure on your genitals. And with pressure on your genitals you're more likely to experience premature ejaculation.

2. Master Your Pelvic Muscles

There's a muscle in your genital area you can actually use to stop your ejaculation. This muscle is the same one you can use to stop the urine flow while urinating. Take the time to strengthen this muscle by "squeezing it" throughout the day. Eventually when it comes to sex this muscle will be so strong that if you squeeze it just before orgasm you can actually stop ejaculation from happening.

3. Use Deep Breathing

Most men when it comes to sex out of excitement they end up taking lots of short shallow breaths. The problem with shallow breathing and overexcitement is that it can actually encourage premature ejaculation. Instead make a conscious effort to take some long deep breaths before and during sex. This is a great way to calm yourself down so you last longer.

4. Rub Her Clitoris

A great tip to last longer in bed is to thrust really deep inside her (without hurting her obviously). And once you're in deep stay deep and just rub her clitoris with your pelvic bone. What's great about this sex technique is that it reduces your stimulation meaning you can last longer, but it gives her a ton of pleasure at the same time.

5. Masturbate For Longer

When you masturbate you actually end up conditioning yourself for how long you expect your body and penis to last during sex. This means if you masturbate for a matter of minutes or even seconds then when it comes to sex you're not going to last any longer. In future masturbate for much longer, as long as you'd like to last during sex. If you find yourself close to orgasm just stop for a minute, then restart.

6. Relax Your Muscles

A dead simple way of lasting longer in bed is to just relax your muscles more. Normally you'll find that your muscles get more and more tense as you approach orgasm. When you notice this happening just allow your muscles to relax again. By consciously relaxing your muscles you can delay orgasm by several minutes.

So go try these 6 tips to last longer in bed and I hope they work out for you.

Oh, and go check out this cool new video I've just found posted online about how to last longer in bed.

It shows exactly what this guy, Jack Grave, did to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 35 minutes, watch it here

Tips: 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation

Here I want to share with you 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation.

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If you've ever been disillusioned into thinking that there's nothing you can do to prevent premature ejaculation and that it's just something "you're born with" or "can't do anything about" then hopefully this will change your mind and inspire you...

Because the truth is that there are many ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and being able to last longer in bed is something that lies within your control.

So let me go ahead and share with you 5 powerful strategies for preventing premature ejaculation and lasting longer in bed...

1. Take Some Deep Breaths

A lot of men when it comes to sex can get very nervous and fearful or premature ejaculation. As a result they get all tense, sweaty and start taking lots of short, sharp and shallow breaths. Unfortunately this is a great recipe for premature ejaculation. So next time you find your nerves kicking in take 10 slow deep breaths and just watch how you suddenly become a lot more relaxed... and last longer too.

2. Become James Bond

Another way to get rid of your nerves and prevent premature ejaculation is to change your thoughts. If you're constantly worrying about how bad it's going to be if you orgasm too soon then you're bound to make yourself nervous... and actually end up making it happen. On the other hand, if you spend your time thinking like James Bond would think, i.e. seeing yourself in control, just enjoying the moment and not stressing about anything, then you'll have no nerves to encourage premature ejaculation.

3. Urinate Before Sex

This is a dead simple way to prevent premature ejaculation, but it's one men time and time again forget about. Don't be like most other men. Remember to go to the bathroom before having sex. By doing this you take the pressure off your genitals and lasting longer will come naturally.

4. Stroke The Roof Of Your Mouth With Your Tongue

OK... I know what you're thinking... This one is a bit "out there", but at the end of the day this technique works. By stroking the roof of your mouth you'll find that by putting all your attention into doing this weird thing you distract yourself from all the pleasure in your genitals. This distraction is a great way of getting your control back in the bedroom and lasting longer.

5. Go For A Second Round

If all else fails... Just go for a second round. Women care a lot less than you probably think about premature ejaculation. And this is especially true if you take the time to come back for a second round when you can really pleasure her. So if you ejaculate early don't worry about it too much. You can always just learn from your mistakes and go for a second round... I'm sure she'll thank you for it.

So there are 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation, use them wisely.

Oh, and go check out this cool new video I've just found posted online about how to last longer in bed.

It shows exactly what this guy, Jack Grave, did to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 35 minutes, watch it here


Sex Position Bible - The Amazon

The Amazon - karmasutra sex position from bible Kamasutra (The Amazon sex position)

The man sits comfortably on a chair, the woman sits down on him facing forwards so she's straddling him in the Amazon sex position.

As long as her feet are touching the ground she can bounce up and down on him gently.

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Sex Position Bible  - The Amazon

Sex Position Bible - The Super 8

The Super 8 - karmasutra sex position from bible kamasutra

The woman lies legs open on her back and possibly with a pillow under her bum to make penetration easier in the Super 8 sex position.

The man lies over her, supporting himself with out-stretched arms.

She puts her hands on his hips or round his back to support his thrusts. She arches up to meet his movement.

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Sex Position Bible - The Super 8

Sex Position Bible - The Reverse Cowgirl

The Reverse Cowgirl - karmasutra sex position from The Bible Kamasutra (cowgirl sex position)

Yeee haaa!! Ride him cowgirl! The Reverse Cowgirl is probably one of the most exciting sex positions in the list.

The man lies on his back and the woman kneels over him so he can enter her.

She can bob up and down supporting her weight with her hands on his thighs and he can help by lifting her hips as she moves.

They can both reach each others key pleasure zones for a bit of a play too if they like.

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Sex Position Bible - The Reverse Cowgirl

Sex Position Bible - The Triumph Arch

The Triumph Arch - karmasutra sex position from Kamasutra Bible

A lot like the "glowing juniper" position, the Triumph Arch sex position allows the man to kiss and caress his partners breasts.

The woman should start kneeling with the man sitting with legs outstretched between her thighs. Once he's entered her, with his help, she can then lean backwards until she's lying on his legs.

The man can lean forward to kiss her breasts and use his hands to guide her hips in soft movement.

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Sex Position Bible - The Triumph Arch

Best Sex Position - The Star

The Star - karmasutra best sex position

In the Star sex position the woman lies on her back, one leg bent up, the other lies flatly on the ground. The man sits down between her legs and pushes a leg under her behind on lift her hip.

Leaning back the man braces himself with his hands behind his back. She had her hands free to play.

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Best Sex Position - The Star

Best Sex Position - The Suspended Scissors

The Suspended Scissors - karmasutra best sex position

Athletes only! The Supended Scissors sex position is only for the truly hardcore.

This position is for the slightly more energetic and she'll need some strength in her arms. She lies off the edge of the bed on her side, just with her calves, ankles and feet still on the mattress. She supports herself with her left arm and he holds her up from her waist.

The man steps over her left leg and holding her other leg up and enters her while she dangles precariously off the bed!

It sounds confusing but will all come together when she gets going. This really gets the blood pumping and should give her an explosive orgasm.

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Best Sex Position - The Suspended Scissors

Best Sex Position - The Eagle

The Eagle - karmasutra best sex position

The man sits on his knees , legs spread, in front of his partner in the Eagle position.

The woman lies on her back, legs in the air and wide apart. She can relax while he hold her legs up and apart and penetrates her with varying speed and depth.

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Best Sex Position - The Eagle

Best Sex Position - The Rowing Boat

To get into this best sex position the man starts by lying back so the woman can sit down slowly on to his penis.

The man then sits up, bring his knees and torso up so that both the couple are face to face and his knees are on the outside oh her body.

The woman should also have her knees bent up so her legs are outside his and she can wrap her egs around him.

He slips his arms over her calfs and under her knees and she slips her hands under his knees and round her thighs so that she can grip his hands.

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Best Sex Position - The Rowing Boat